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Founded in Austria, Colop is one of the oldest stamp brands in the world and is a leading brand in the industry. Here at Dial A Stamp, we supply the best of what Colop has to offer in Australia. Our Colop self-inking stamps make for a convenient and durable choice while retaining a user-friendly design.

Get custom rubber stamps designed for your business today. 

Why Colop?

The best part about going with Colop self-inking stamps is that a separate ink pad isn’t needed to use the stamp. Thanks to its in-built ink pad, you only need to position the stamp on the surface and press down.

Colop stamps are designed to be portable, meaning you won’t have to worry about not having enough space to carry around your stamp or if you’ve packed your ink pad. The design also ensures that you’re less likely to get ink on your hands, compared to stamps with separate ink pads.  

Available products

Colop offers a range of products including self-inking stamps, number stamps, and ink pads for a variety of sizes. Our Colop 60 Date/Number stamp is equipped to handle many of your specific requirements. Need something with a bigger area to work around? The Colop 60 Double Dater stamp will get the job done.

Have something specific in mind? Place an order for custom rubber stamps through Dial A Stamp today.